This app is great. Makes calls, Text messages and Emails right from the app like advertised no problems then time stamps them and allows you to make notes. As a Consultant I found it hard to keep track of the bank, tax man, insurance brokers, clients and the forms or paperwork that goes aloong with each. This is especially true if I talked to them 3 or 6 months ago and can only vaguely remember what was said. This a clean solution play around with it for a day and you should have it figured out.
I dont like subscription apps as they can hold your info randsom and I couldn’t be bothered with the montly fee billing schemes so the cost of this is minor especially as a small consultant know what I can afford right now but in the future if I gotta pinch pennies a subscription is one less thing I gotta worry about.
Gonzo3453 about Contacts Journal CRM, v1.0.3